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A place where we share our industry insights, expert perspectives, latest discoveries and interests in the digital world!

Virtual Reality That You See, Hear, Touch, Smell . . . and Think

Digital Realities experts, Harmony Studios, have taken immersive reality to a new level and created two environments which build on the basic visual and audio blocks of Virtual Reality (VR).

VRagrance – adding scent to virtual reality

We love experimenting, building and innovating here (and we also get bored easily) which is why we turned our attention to creating a software controlled scent delivery system. Not only that but we designed and 3D printed our prototypes so that we can trial it out with our VR.

Total Mind Control

This might take some mental power to explain BUT … we were really excited about the Emotiv headset for monitoring brain activity so we thought “Maybe, we can train it to work as a controller with our software?”

Epson BT200 Tests

The BT 200’s are good but we’ve heard some inside information about the next range and they will be awesome.
To give some background, the BT100’s were really only for projection of a screen to both eyes. We had to strap a camera onto the top of them and hack the unit to push a feed to the already bulky headset.

Finger Tip Control

This is a bit of an old one but we use Leap sensors to allow us to do fingertip control of 3D objects, gesture control and screen animations.

7D Virtual Reality

So… everyone knows we are an AR studio but we also love immersing ourselves in a little Virtual Reality every now and then.
The problem is that vanilla VR isn’t enough for us – we want experiences that you can see, feel and hear like real life – in 7D as it were.

Ready to take your project to the next level?

Let's discuss your goals and create something amazing together.

Contact us now and let the journey begin!
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