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A place where we share our industry insights, expert perspectives, latest discoveries and interests in the digital world!

How Augmented Reality Is Helping Us Do More With Less

We explain how to use digital realities to improve time, resource and cost efficiency in regards to product training and troubleshooting.

5 Augmented Reality Apps All Business Owners Should Know About

Augmented Reality is transforming industries. The uses for the technology are fast expanding and business owners need to be able to adapt and utilise it if they want to stay competitive.

Apple vs Google: AR Kit vs AR Core

Who will come out on top? Google and Apple have both launched their competing AR development platforms this year and are going head to head in a battle for who can bring AR to the masses.

Spatial Sound in VR

It’s easier to trick the brain into creating an audible illusion of an environment than it is to trick the brain into seeing a believable image. This is why the virtual reality industry puts such a strong focus on creating jaw dropping visuals and overlooks advancing realistic sound simulation technology.

Stories That Come To LIFE!

Our latest venture with Mardles has launched! This set of exciting, interactive story books come to life in augmented reality using smart phones and tablets. Story time will never be the same again!

VR Sickness: What it is and How to Stop It

An aspect of virtual reality we discovered many years ago, is the effect of motion sickness and the restrictions it creates when building great experiences with headset based Virtual Reality. Motion sickness itself occurs for several reasons and each needs a targeted solution to create a flawless outcome.

Ready to take your project to the next level?

Let's discuss your goals and create something amazing together.

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